
Adieu, the time has come to say goodbye.

I think I kept going at this hobby because there was still a feeling of connection, I inspire you, you inspire me kind of thing.  It's gone.  I am no longer inspired by anything that is going on in the sims community, be it Sims 2 or Sims 3.  I no longer belong here, could be that I never did but now I feel it more than before.  I made stuff because I love furnishing, I love architecture, I love atmosphere and connecting to someone for that was important.  I didn't make stuff just to make it or for stupid popularity. 

I have not only attracted bloody lunatics but really nice people who have become true real life friends that I will see in RL again.

I love attention to detail, I love a bit of dark humour; I am playing GTA 5, have been for the past five days.  I would love to make a bit more furniture for Franklin especially for his patio but I'm just happy to go bike riding in those mountains, or see the rain or the lighting in general.

With that, for the few people who keep asking stupid questions that have already been answered in the posts, learn how to bloody read and stop being so bloody irritating.

To those of you who have been supportive and enjoyed what I have shared with you, cheers, and to those of you who are arseholes, up yours!

Have a great new year!


  1. Your creations are amazeballs and you shall be missed. Good luck with whatever creative outlet you choose next.

  2. Today was the first time I visited this site and I just saw this, written today.
    I've downloaded almost everything and I must say you've really got talent, I wish you'd be keep making stuff but it's all up to you!
    Thanks for everything, goodbye and good luck!

  3. I`ll miss your great stuff. But i really understand your reasons ... hope you`ll enjoy yourself by doing things that make you happy. :)
    guten rutsch ins neue Jahr ... smile

  4. I'll miss your beautiful creations very much. Thank for what you've done, and enjoy whatever you choose to do!

  5. I miss your awesome gorgeous creations too.
    I am sincerely sorry that you're leaving us.
    Maybe someday you want to go back.
    Your creations are marvelous.I have always admired your works.
    You are magnificent. Huge thanks for sharing all of them.
    I wish you good luck and happy new year.
    Благодарю Вас от всей души.
    Вы - восхитительны.

    Alice from Saint-Petersburg, Russia

  6. My game would not even be worth playing without the custom content you've created over the years, I must use your kitchen sets in every other home! I'm sad to hear about your departure but alas one must do what needs to be done, there is never any point in flogging a dead horse. Good luck with whatever you choose to do my dear, I will continue to treasure all that you have done! :)


  7. Thank you greatly for sharing your talent with us over the years! Best of luck in pursing your other interests and have a wonderful 2014! (And by the way, isn't the lightning in GTA V amazing? I was awestruck the first time I saw it!!).

  8. Could you at least upload the recolors of your kitchen basic set you posted before you leave?

  9. Hello, you don't know me but I have downloaded a lot of stuff from you through the months because you are really good at it. Now I read you quit. That's too bad, but understandable. Just wanted to let you know that there are also lurkers around that appreciate your work and don't ask questions that can be read if taking the effort. I wish you the best and thank you very much for all the good stuff you gave to me. Happy New Year!

  10. Gosh Nat....I hate to see you leave the community altogether but I do understand as it is very hard to get inspired to do anything with Sims these days (myself included). I have always loved your creations and checked your page often to maybe see a little surprise every once in awhile:)
    You are a true class act and was always one of the best creators and new things will be sorely missed from you but atleast we have your legacy with all your past creations!....Good Luck and hope to see you around sometime. Happy New Year 2014

    1. LOL...the last post was from Matt...over at the Pearl:)

  11. Love you lots Nat, wishing you all the best for 2014 it may be a turning point for lots of things, big hugs judith.

  12. Nat, you have been a big inspiration to me over the years and I'd like to think a friend too. Nothing lasts forever and passion fades, so I do understand how you feel. Sorry that you are retiring from the simming world, but don't be a stranger ok? :)
    Much love, peace and happiness my friend
    Kim xx

  13. I agree with Duckie, that my game would not be the same without your custom content (I'm sure I have it all and use it all).

    I'm so saddened not only to read of your departure, but to read of your reasons for leaving. I'm so so sorry. Even here I see someone has, rather than wished you well, asked you to give more before you leave. I understand your decision, but it breaks my heart to see you walk away. Thank you for you sharing your remarkable talent with us and all the very best to you.

  14. A sad day! I love your furnishings, some of the best! Although, I understand your reasons for leaving, you will be missed. xo

  15. often, the best things too have an end - and someday, we all grow tired of our most beloved games. i'm not even approaching the "community wank", trolling and other bothersome online aspects ~ thank you a lot for all the excellent work you shared with us - awesome quality, beautiful, complete, imaginative... - and for your contribution to our simlish adventure! all the best on your way and a happy new year ^_^

  16. All of the best to you! Thank you for sharing your awesome creations with us Simmers!

  17. Happy New Year Nat...aka buggybooz!

    I can imagine you never thought taking on that alias would become an entity unto itself? For all intents and purposes, "buggybooz" is now a Sim institituion.

    I tend to see endings as bittersweet moments really. While I'm most appreciative of all of your gifties, I truly am more interested in celebrating the gift giver.

    When you create things of beauty and quality...it will attract people in general. There is an aspect of the Simming community that cannot move beyond selfish wants or jealous tendencies, which are an inevitable and unfortunate reality.

    But...there are so many others who truly are in awe of your kindness in sharing what you create, who truly appreciate the artistry behind your creations, who will treasure every object that you create as it is and seek nothing more from you, who recognize that what seems like obsessive detail is truly an expression of ideas being transformed into reality and passion being expressed endlessly (and most brilliantly, might I add)...That is what you hang on to.

    I say bravo to you for all that you have blessed us with in creations, but also simply for who you are beyond that. There are many wonderful creators in the community, but only a few true artisans who manage to take this simple game and transform it into something awesome...who actually bring their thoughts on objects to fruition and often take it beyond. You dear BB are definitely one of those people. After taking in all that you have shared...I say buggybooz deserves to rest and allow Nat to be reborn. Hopefully, you will find something else to poor your passion into and I suspect that living life outside of the Sims offers a few wondrous options when you look.

    Endings need not always be sad...as they do offer opportunity for new beginnings. I don't see this as you "giving up"....but simply as you knowing when to move on and reignite your passions elsewhere. It is what you need in the now.

    Have a great New Year and the best of well wishes for whatever it is you do beyond this.


  18. Good on ya mate! I have always been in awe of your work (especially your wood and fabric textures-drool) I just love looking at them in game and I guess that's why I have never recoloured any of your furniture as there was no possible way to improve on perfection.

    Unfortunately the world has a high proportion of entitled, clueless, talentless, jealous and psycho arseholes - and some online communities have a much higher proportion than average - but I guess you know all that ;)

    Have fun Nat and thanks so much for your work over the years and the eyegasms I experienced because of it =)

  19. To me it seems you were already gone because the last time you actually posted something to download was in July 2013 and you hardly ever uploaded to modthesims. So whatever..

  20. Negative people attract negative attention. An artist doesn't have to be a good or kind person for their work to be good, and there's no kindness inherent in sharing one's creations. Sharing what you've made is, in fact, the height of selfishness: an artist wants appreciation and validation for something they made for themselves.

    I still appreciate buggybooz's downloads. They're attractive and well-made, and the quality is excellent. Her attitude, however, is nasty, mean-spirited, and self-centered, and the "kindness and generosity" of her posting her CC doesn't make her any better of a person.

  21. Isn't it interesting - the only negative comments on this are anonymous because they don't have the balls to own up to their opinions. The usual negative people.

    Actually Anonymous (8 Jan) everyone attracts negative attention - you have very limited social awareness if you don't understand that.

    And Sharing what you've made is not the height of selfishness. Not sharing is. But of course - your opinion is one common in negative selfish people. So obviously you feel attracted to Buggybooz. She's leaving you want to kick her in the arse as she goes.

    Buggybooz - I've appreciated your downloads, and I'm sorry you've had to deal with drama queens/kings. Have a great real life.

  22. From Carmellia1

    Buggybooz, yours was some of the first great quality, low poly cc that I downloaded. From Modthesims and BPS. All the sim players I know are familiar with Buggybooz. I think it's "That kitchen" that so many of us simmers couldnt live without. Thank you for everything you have given, your time, your energy, your talent. I wish you all the best in life, joy, peace and love. We will never be able to do anything about people who send negative energy. They are irrelavent anyway. You take care, Hate to see you go : (

  23. Thank you for all the things you shared!
    You especially have inspired me to try to make my own custom contents for sims after all years of downloading. I love all your stuff!

  24. Under your TOU might folks still share your things? I know a lot of folks used your meshes over the years. Ginnie

  25. oh goodness, I really hate to see you leave, but at the same time am terribly happy for you that RL is taking over, as I understood, in a good way. You've always been and will always be one of the greatest creators in this community. Hope to see you one day again : ))

    Have a great, great year!!


  26. Thank you for sharing all your wonderful creations.
    I wish you all the best in the future.

  27. I will thank you for your creations! I can´t live without your stuff in my game! We will miss you but i can understand your choise. I wish you all the best for your life!

  28. The Verdant Velvet - Garden Greens is missing from the blog :(

    Can someone please upload it? Please?

  29. Gosh whats happend with the sims community? Why there´s so much idiots? I truly love all of your creations, you´re the best mesher ever, i use your sets in so much houses...almost in every house. I just stop by to look your stuff and saw your "Good bye" message.
    But i totally understand your reaction....i´ll miss you...take good care of yourself...and good luck ♥

  30. Hi Nat, not sure if you're still reading the comments here, but since you haven't been online at BPS anymore ...

    I did send you an email at the end of December, but haven't received any response. I'm just not sure if you just haven't gotten my email, or haven't replied yet, or I haven't gotten yours? If we are having communication/email issues, I'm quite often on Skype in the evenings, you can find me there :)

  31. I'm of course sad to see you go. I've very much enjoyed your creations over the years and then later got to know you and you've been so helpful and kind to me. feel free to contact me in the future of course. I'd love to know how you're getting on and all that.

  32. Sad to see such a talented creator go, glad i found your creations, downloaded all of them :) Take care & good luck!


  33. I just read your Good-Bye post. What you've done for the community is without comparison. Your work is art. Thank you so much for sharing your amazing CC!

  34. I am sorry that I never said thank you before for all of your wonderful meshes and creations. Yours and others' CC makes my game so much fun. Playing with the Sims and building things have helped me to find a creative side to my otherwise technical RL self. Thank you. Hoping that you will find something fun to do instead. You will be missed.

  35. This is Dilly (I hang out at the Plumb-bob Keep website mostly) coming rather late to your Farewell Party, but I sincerely thank you for all that you've done for The Sims community. I selfishly hope that you're only going on a well-deserved vacation from creating for us, but you owe nobody anything. Buggybooz will always be a favored creator for all that you've done for The Sims already.

    Thank you once more, and ~~~~~positive chi~~~~ to you & yours!


  36. Thanks for all your great work and the stuff you've made!!! :))

  37. Sad to see you go but thank you for such amazing work. My Sims thank you too as they have wonderful looking homes. Stay Happy and Healthy.

  38. you will forever be my favorite creator, best of luck <3

  39. I just wanted to say thank you for all you creations between here and other websites! You are brilliant at creating something I really couldn't dream off. Best of luck and thank you!

  40. OMG, your breaking my heart! But, I understand when the interest is gone, it's gone. Your creations have been amazing & you have actually become a household name in my house lol. I talk about your stuff all the time. Please take care of yourself & know that if your ever in the mood again we would SO take you back again hehe. Be good lol Crystal xoxo a.k.a. meo0oow

  41. Thank you for all you have share with us. I really appreciated your creations and still do!

  42. Over the past couple of years, I have watched many talented creators such as yourself walk away from something they once held dear. As life moves on, and you find other things that move you, I hope you will always know that no matter where you go, or what new things may inspire you, your love and passion will always remain a part of my game.

    You have written yourself a history, however small or big it might be, into the fabric of this game, and even though you will be gone, you will always be a part of the Sims. For some people, this may be insignificant, but for me, whose life is inspired by design, architecture, and the beautiful things in life, you have made a wonderful contribution that has touched not only me, but an entire community.

    Although it seems as if you are leaving us in a some what frustrated manner, I hope that you will remember that although you are gone, you are never really, and you will remain a bright spirit with beautiful design, and it will be appriciated each time one of us decides to turn our game on.

    I send you the best of wishes, and I hope that your creativity and passion will never know no bounds, and that you may spread some of the magic you have shared with us to a place that needs it most. Good luck! I will always remember you, and I truly appreciate everything you have done.

    New York~

  43. Coucou Natalie.
    Pour être franche avec toi je suis anéantie par cette nouvelle et très triste de te savoir partie , tu es l'une de meilleures créatrices que la communauté n'est jamais eu et un jeu sans tes créations n'est absolument pas jouable.j'ai pratiquement tout tes sets dans mon dossier téléchargement.Tu vas vraiment nous manquer et j'espère que les gens respecteront tes TOUs dans le futur et qu'ils ne vont pas se laisser tenter par l'aveuglement de leur nombre de téléchargements.
    Mais je ne peux pas te retenir , il y a beaucoup de voix qui s'élèvent à cause de ces gens qui ne cessent de faire de cette communauté un lieu de drame et d'hostilité , qui trichent à tout point de vue et qui t'agresses si tu t'exprime différemment , peu importe l'effort et la gentillesse ils prennent tout à mal.
    Les gens de bonne foi sont de moins en moins présents dans cette communauté qui se meurt petit à petit et les autres , ils restent dans leur univers dans leur tumblrs dans leur blogs courant après une célébrité débile mais tellement gratifiante pour leur bas égos.
    J'ai du aussi partir pendant quelques semaines parce que j'en avais aussi marre de cette ambiance pseudo-amicale qui règnent à l'heure actuelle de partout .
    J'en suis revenue transformée et comme toi j'en suis un peu "blasée" je n'y participe plus comme avant juste pour les quelques gens adorables que j'ai rencontré et d'admirer les inspirations cà et là qui trainent sur les forums.
    Cette communauté n'est plus la même en 5 ans qu'est-ce qu'elle a changé j'en étais moi-même très bouleversée.
    Je n'aime pas dire Adieu car je le réserve aux gens décédés, alors je te dis A bientôt et bonne chance à toi aussi .

  44. Thank you for your wonderful creations, may you find joy in everything you do.


  45. I, too would like to thank for the years of creativity at its best! Your eye for detail was apparent in every single creation made for S2 & S3. I hope you find as much joy in new hobbies as you did in the Sims.

  46. I'm mostly a lurker but wanted to crawl out long enough to thank you. I have enjoyed your creations in my game and find them most beautiful. You are very creative and truly talented. Thank you so much for sharing, your work adds so much to my game. Best of luck and happiness in all you do!

  47. Happy Birthday Nat, wishing you a wonderful day, love and big hugs, judith.

  48. I'm a lurker due to incurable shyness, but I'm posting now to thank you for your wonderful creations that transform my buildings into homes. I like building, landscaping and interior design. I use your creations regularly: your Kitchen Basic and shakerlicious (ah, the delightful shabbiness), your Folly and Enchanted gardens, your mission furniture set (even my woodworker and Stickley-fan husband was impressed), your charming Kia, your nooks and niches and candles, candles, candles. But wait! There's more! So many wonderful goodies. Thank you for your time and talent, Buggybooz. May you be well and happy.

  49. I understand and although I am sad that I won't get more of your creations, I am also grateful for what we got. ;)
    Your creations is some of the few that I MUST have in my game, because it is boring and lesser without them. One can tell you spent so much time and passion in making them and that your knowledge and heart is every little piece. Creators like yourself is what makes Sim2 worth playing. I took a couple of years off Sims2 and now when I am back, guess what items goes in the CC box first? Yes, yours! :)
    Good luck with everything you try, and I have no doubt your creativeness will show through in whatever that is.

    Best Wishes

  50. Major lurker here- but I have to come out long enough to say Thanks. I learned how to recolor just so I could use your kitchen sets in my game- and my lots just wouldn't be the same without at least a dozen of your pieces. Thanks for all you have offered- I'm grateful for every little amazing bit of it. All the best in whatever you do.

  51. Yes, by all means do that,enjoy the sun....I feel so fortunate, that the sun comes to me...I try to stay away from the game too, but my reasons are different...my game is driving me nuts sometimes, so I take a step back and try to be thankful for what I have...I have the advantage that no one is wondering were I am and what I'm doing...My game crashes, the computer is not my own, no internet connection when I need it, my monitor is dying on me flashing blue and yellow....but there are times when all come into place and I enjoy my colours as much as I enjoy the sunsets...Thanks for providing beautiful objects, so I can recolour to my heart's content and thanks for the advice of letting go sometimes when I can't do so...Please, have a nice holiday!

  52. Hey, sorry to hear you met some jerks. I have been enjoying your kitchens for a long time, but this is the first time I have found your site and all the things I was missing! Thanks for everything you made.

  53. First of all, I'd like to thank you for giving so many of my Sims' homes the "touch" they were missing, with gentle tones and marvellous textures. I hope you stay happy, healthy, and share your passion with the world. For me, at least, you'll always be one of the best creators ever to have posted on MTS and this blog. A thousand thanks, Buggy!

  54. noncivilisedEye14 July 2014 at 07:15

    You will be missed, darling. Thank you for your creations, which have inspired me for years and continue to do so as I realize this is a habit i simply can't quit. I love interior design, and love the living i make as a freelance designer, and that love has been fueled by these silly games and the stunning custom content made by creators like you. Best of luck in all your future endeavors, and thank you again.

  55. I never saw this until now, but I hope you're taking care of yourself. Like a lot of simmers, I enjoyed your creations and I understand why you had to leave. Sometimes the community can make anyone feel like they don't belong (even if there are people in it who welcome you with warmth and open arms). However, I hope you're doing good and having fun. I still download your CC because it makes my game damn good looking and I thank you for that.

  56. I too have over time, downloaded and appreciated your creations.
    I hope that, whatever you re up to atm, you re well, and having fun, and ofc using & building on your creation talent.
    Designing is one thing, but nothing is like creation/conception!
    I'm sure u understand what I mean.
    My regards!

  57. I only just read this and it is sad to see you leave but after all that has gone on in the Sims Ciommunity I understand why. Sadly the "drama" has gone on since Sims 1 days and still goes on as we fast approach the release of Sims 4. Your creations are always beautiful in game and I thank you for sharing your things with us to make our games better. Whatever you may be doing now I hope you are enjoying it. Life is shaort so do what you most are happy doing!

  58. GTA 5 triggered a surge of depression for me too. I'm not saying you're depressed, but the general tone of this post gave me that feeling. I go on and off sims all the time, maybe this won't be the definite end... nevertheless I support your decision, you have the right to you own life. Know that I respect you, both as a creator of immense talent, and as the person beyond that.

  59. I'm really sorry that you left. I only just found your creations; they're absolutely lovely. I love furnishing my Sims homes with your creations, especially the kitchens. Wishing you all the best; I too play GTA 5! I wish I could properly furnish their homes... don't get me started on Trevor's... ;)

  60. Thank you very much for all you've done for the Sims 2 players.

  61. I wish you weren't leaving! Your meshing is in the top 3 meshers of all time in my book! Have fun & maybe one day you'll come back :) Sincerely, Crystal (a.k.a. meo0oow]

  62. I know your files are not to be posted anywhere; however, could Saving the Sims post them in our groups where they are needed if the site goes down? Thanks.

  63. Hi there. I was wondering if i can convert some of your items for TS4.

  64. Thank you again for all the knowledge u distribute,Good post. I was very interested in the article, it's quite inspiring I should admit. I like visiting you site since I always come across interesting articles like this one.Great Job, I greatly appreciate that.Do Keep sharing! Regards, Heroic Adventures

  65. Thank you for everything.

  66. Thank you for all the beauty and artistry you gave so generously for so long. I still appreciate your marvellous work every time I load my game.

  67. Thank you for keeping the site up and running and for sharing your wonderful creations. I still play Sims 2 and love using your creations in my lots.

  68. i also still play sims 2. been playing for years, and just found you work today.
    its amazing and truly beautiful.

    Hope you are well and love what you are doing now.

    From Anonymous

  69. I would guess that you seldom even look at this page any more, based on what I read above, but I was glad to find it still here when I decided to put Sims 2 on one of my old Macs and enjoy it from time to time. Your work is so exquisite that it took me a long time to decide to move to Sims 3, and now I'm loathe to even consider Sims 4. There is trust artistry in some of the work you folks do with CC. I'm just an old lady Simmer who was drawn into building by my kid, and I absolutely love it, and I see that a true folk art has evolved around the game. I also notice, unfortunately, that there is a lot of negative energy between people who seem to constantly step on each others' toes, consider themselves as having been copied and believe that their creations have not been treated with respect in one way or another. On the one hand, there is an ethic around keeping this material "free," but this seems to give the creators permission to behave very badly to the people who care about what they do, all too often. In short, I read your little "farewell," above, with a sense of disappointment and irritation both: you could have bowed out graciously! Maybe you've had some unpleasant encounters from some fools, but you've also gotten a HUGE amount of appreciation and real respect for your work. Perhaps someday when you look back on these days of creating for the Sims, you will wish that you had been a bit kinder and more appreciative of those who appreciate you. I am one. Your work was what kept me working with Sims 2 up to the bitter end, and Bau's work is what has kept me in Sims 3. Forget Sims 4. Maybe someday they'll get that one fixed. But these games, while not interesting to me as games, have provided a real creative outlet, and I am very, very grateful for it. I just wish some of you could have been a trifle more gracious.

  70. I wish you all the best in your life. About belonging to some group or community. We all change, our lives and aspirations change. If you feel you don't belong to Sims community anymore, it's because you've grown and need new challenges. It doesn't mean you never belonged. You belong where you want and need to belong. It might change over time, but only because you've growing and finding new things inspiring you. Embrace change. You always belong to yourself, and that's what truly matters.

    I want to thank you for all wonderful stuff you made available for us to download and also it seems that you have been updating download links. Thank you! It's much appreciated!

    Have a great day,

  71. Thank you for all of these amazing downloads!

  72. Come back you amazing artist, I need your beautiful things for Sims 4!

  73. Its very probable that you wont read my post however i want to say thanks to all your work, its curious how some cc creators have their own style, that is unique and irrepeatable, i love your style and the unique of your textures. ( i dont need to know the name of the creator to knows who did the objects.) Good luck in your life and enjoy your life in the way that you want to enjoy.

  74. I know this late; I don't know if you will read this and maybe you've answered this before. I was hoping you would be willing to transfer your mods to Mod the Sims. Or if not you, give permission to someone else to do so. Just in case something happens to this site and all your beautiful work is gone. I hope you find new fun, and wonderful things to do. Good luck.

    1. i'm almost certain that she used to be on MTS, way back when TS2 was still the primarily favored game. so... I'm guessing she has her own reasons for maintaining only a placeholder profile page there. i'm also guessing you don't actually read her posts since she specifically mentions fatigue over repeated questions that have already been answered... so as a rule you should read and find your answer before asking questions that "maybe [she's] answered before". (which is basic etiquette for any forum or blog, and the whole reason FAQs exist)

      If you're concerned about losing access to the mod files, i suggest re-downloading and backing up a folder dedicated to those the fresh, clean mod files to cloud storage or your hard drive, like you would for any file you wish to keep safe.

  75. I wonder how one can contact this creator? I would love to convert some of the items to ts4 (with care of course), but I see they did not allow conversions to ts3 and I suppose the same apploes to ts4. I wonder if they hold the same sentiment against conversions now, or if they'd be okay with letting their creations live on in the newest iteration of the game.

    These creations are just so lovely--I've not found anything quite this pretty in ts4.

  76. Thank you for all your wonderful downloads.

  77. Back to Sims 2 after a two year absence. Having to reload all my gotta haves so here I am. Buggy if you still read these, thanks for making so many lovely things I enjoy so much!

  78. "With that, for the few people who keep asking stupid questions that have already been answered in the posts, learn how to bloody read and stop being so bloody irritating."

    Wow. Cunt much? Jesus. Good riddance.

    1. are you dumb on purpose? you've clearly never been a creator before, because we deal with some of the most annoying people on this planet. not following instructions, downloading before reading/installing, then complaining that our cc and mods are broken. lmfao get out of here.

  79. Wherever you are now and whatever you do, in the hearts of Sims 2 fans you will forever remain a favorite creator with amazing works. Thank you for maintaining your site and making it possible to download your creations now. Good luck with everything.
