

Pebble Living Room



  1. a word to describe this set : fa bu lous
    thank you sweetie

  2. Thanks Nat, don't know how I missed this one as it's as gorgeous as all your other beautiful creations, love and big hugs judith.

  3. The details on your sets are always so amazing! They're realistic without being TOO realistic for Sims, if that makes any sense.


  4. Danke vielmals für die tollen Sachen!
    Eine Sache wird bei mir teilweise blau angezeigt:"Pebbles Roundbasket Endtable small Version slaved to the bigger Version"
    Versteh ich nicht, da ich das Set geladen habe!
    Was kann ich tun?
    Vielen Dank im Voraus!

  5. I don't know if any of you know how many times I have revamped bits of this since I first let myself loose on the simming community...I still see things I want to change:)

    Das blaue ist nur im Katalog angezeigt und normal im Spiel so weit ich weiss. Warum habe ich keine Ahnung leider. Ist mir schon einmal passiert:)

  6. Totally amazing! Not only your work is fabulous but you make it so practical for us to download entire sets.. Thank you so much!

  7. Lovely set again Buggy but small problem with the thumbnails for the small round basket endtable. This time it just shows blue although I have the big one installed. Sometimes when this happens, even after forcing Sims2 to generate new thumbnails, right clicking all the thumbnails bashes them into line but not in this case. Both baskets work just fine - it is just the small one's thumb.

  8. Really nice modern nurseries are hard to find. This is PERFECTION! Thank You for all your hard work.
